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A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 22 Apr 2017 09:50
von Gorkhan
Hello fellow orks,

I'm working with an american film production (Plastic Tree Production) who would like to shoot a movie about orks in the lotr style.

So the story we're developing revolves around an Orc and Goblin who are tasked with transporting black powder (gunpowder) to a neighboring country to sell it. They're sort of equivalent of a modern day truck drivers. Their ox however will die, and they'll be forced to pull the cart by hand. So the the film will follow them as they travel through and come across obstacles along the way (weather, elves) etc. etc.

We really would like to have you guys in the movie since your costumes are the best we've seen. We were thinking of coming for Epic empire 2018 and shoot the parts we need with you on the week following the larp.

I feel that could be a lot of fun for you to appear in a movie and we look forward to hear from you.

If you want to check here's a trailer of the upcoming movie they're working on.
This one was about dwarves.

I'll gladly answer any questions you have.
- Nils

Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 22 Apr 2017 12:58
von Shartok
hi there,

since i am the head of organisation of the epic empires orc-camp, u may want to contact me:

i fear that there´s little chance u´ll get your lotr-style uruks right after the epic-empires, but maybe there´s a chance in the days before the event starts...however: we´d have a talk :)

best wishes


Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 24 Apr 2017 16:06
von MLind
I'm a little curious, and reading through your post I got some questions in my head that I think others would get too - so here they're put to word.

So you want to find two people who can act out a goblin and an orc, who's suppose to play the main-roles right? Do you have the other merchandise like the cart of could you provide it?
How long is the movie set to be? How much footage do you need and stuff?

It sounds like a cool project and I agree with the idea of getting a hang on the right people before EE, not after. ;)

Good luck!

Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 28 Apr 2017 14:51
von Gorkhan
@ Shartok: hi I'll contact you directly by email then, it will be easier for the both of us.
I'll will see with the producer about coming before EE instead of after if that's better for you. That shouldn't be a problem.

@ MLind: we will already have the two main characters which are the gobelin and the orc since the shooting will start in Iceland. What we need is about 15 kick ass orks for more scenes where they will interact with the main characters. Some will have lines. That's what the casting will be about.
As for the cart we should already have it, but that's something we'll take care of later. Remember it's for 2018.

If you have more questions don't hesitate to ask. 😉

Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 29 Apr 2017 01:23
von Hokur Kil
Hi !

I just marked the thread for notification e-Mails, because this can be a very interesting project, in which I would like to stay up-to-date.
I'm looking forward to the results of the conversation between you and Carsten/Shartok. :-)

best regards,


Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 15 Mai 2017 14:23
von Gorkhan

I already sent this as an email to Carsten, but i feel it concerns all of you so here's some news about the movie. And some important questions.

- Do you guys speak english or just german? It is important that we know how many orcs can speak english for the lines. For the others we can arrange to have them speak orkish with subtitles.

- The film takes place over one night, so we would need to shoot at night. Would that be doable? Maybe on monday and tuesday night when you've finished making the camp. (Typical shooting time is between 8-10 hours)

- We would need to cast a few of the Orcs to have speaking lines in the film. They will be LEAD characters in the film. We would then have to fly them to the USA in 2018 to finish filming. Everything would be paid for + they would receive a day-rate that we can negotiate.
We are thinking of sending someone to EE this year to do the casting.

- We understand that the film will not be a priority during Epic Empires, but we would need the film to be a priority either before or after the Epic Empires events if we can't finish the shoot during. We would like to discuss a daily-rate for the Orcs for before/after Epic Empires concludes. We think it will take 1-2 days.
Another option would be to shoot at another time altogether. Would that be better for you? It would certainly avoid a conflict of interest between EE and the movie.
We could come in January 2018 or april 2018.

- We will have distribution lined up for the film, that means this is a real film, not just some student project. It will be on Netflix, DVD's etc. It is independent so we don't have a lot of money but its going to look awesome and be seen worldwide.

- Finally, we'd like to hold an audition for the Orcs to see which ones are best for the parts. Two of the Orcs will be lead characters and villains in the film. For this we will make a casting at EE 2017.

We worked on the short synopsis for the film with our Sales Agent and this is what the project is. We are working on the screenplay now and will have it done in June/July.

Working Title: Gangrel Grey
Genre: Mystery/Thriller/Action/Fantasy


An old mysterious Dwarf named Gangrel lives alone in the woods, in a cottage filled with magical books. On the eve of the New Year, mysterious strangers begin to appear at his home uninvited: A cloaked assassin, the local mailman, and a band of bloodthirsty Orcs- all fueled by the rumor that Gangrel has not aged a day since he arrived in town.

Hope you like it!

- Nils

Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 15 Mai 2017 20:58
von Tarbûrzakh
We have some people speaking english, some better some not.

There are plenty of pictures showing you the orcs from the Epic Empires. But if you want to find out who fits for your decriptions, you should see our charakters and "costumes" with your own eyes. Also our way of playing gives the character his depth.

As Shartok said before: Contact him, he might give you more detailed and specific information for your project.

Personally I am at least interested in the result :D

Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 16 Mai 2017 10:52
von Shartok
As Shartok said before: Contact him, he might give you more detailed and specific information for your project.
He did :)

Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 16 Mai 2017 11:04
von Tarbûrzakh
I beg for mercy, my Lord ;)

Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 17 Mai 2017 16:59
von Broggah
Hello there :)

Well I am also pretty interested in the project, I am speaking english fluently, know some bits of blackspeech (orc language) and I am looking like this: ... AMGha?dl=0

The only problem: I don't belong to the faction that is visiting EE this year but drachenfest instead. If there will be possibilities outside of the EE I would like to join the project aswell!

Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 17 Mai 2017 17:16
von Gorkhan
Hi broggah,
I love the pictures of your costume, that's exactly the kind of look we're going for.

As for the shooting, it depends on the rest of your group.
We need at least 10 orks for the movie. The more the better. We could come to Germany in January or April 2018 to get that footage if that works for you guys. Otherwise it will be during EE 2018.

I personally would prefer to do it outside of EE so we can really focus on the movie, but we will adapt to you.

- Nils

Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 17 Mai 2017 19:38
von Zhûul
Do not forget, that if you're shooting in Germany in January or even April, the weather might differ quite a bit from what you'll have in the U.S. when you're finishing the movie later on. April in Germany can be pretty much anything, from snow and freezing temperatures, to summer-like weather to heavy should take this into consideration.
January will be mostly cold, so if you guys do not use green-screens and stick with the live environment, this might become a problem, when you're planing to shoot the rest of the movie in f.e. California/Arizona or another southern state.
Just a thought that manifested itself while reading your comment. Greets. Zhûul

Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 24 Okt 2017 23:57
von Krith'Rup / Slarn
Hi Gorkham,

I've only just discovered this post...

Speaking of transporting some black powder... I play a goblin saboteur.

I don't know if you'll want me in your film, but do you need some actual bombs / firecrackers?

I build wonderful firecrackers that I have been using here, in a "big" LARP (in Israeli terms) of 300 players.

My "bombs" are not harmful, but they sure make a loud noise when they explode, and they spread the wheat flour that is stored inside, to create some smoke effect.

You can see a demonstration of the explosion here:

I plan on coming to Epic Empires 2018, although I'm not sure if the managers will allow me to use my firecrackers / pyrotechnics there (E.g. in Drachenfest 2017, the managers were too suspicious of it and asked me not to use them... :( )

But if you are planning to film before / after the game, then maybe it wouldn't be a problem.

Anyhow, if you like the idea, please notify me, so I will know when to book my flight back to Israel, after EE.



Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 09 Jan 2018 13:22
von Gorkhan

I've got some news concerning the movie.

The screenplays first draft is complete, and we're hoping to finish the script by March.

You can check the concept teaser here:

We're hoping to shoot in the Fall of 2018, and wanted to see if its something you guys would be interested in being involved in. If you are, you can email us here with pictures of you in your outfit. We need about 15 Orcs for the film, we are most likely shooting in the USA. We would naturally provide travel/housing expenses and pay you a day-rate (Probably around $100 USD).

If you have some more questions, don't hesitate to ask me or directly here


- Nils

Re: A movie in 2018

Verfasst: 10 Jan 2018 10:47
von MLind
Hey Gorkhan (Happy New Year to you as well)

It's nice with another update, and the teaser material looks cool. Hoping you'll find some nice and fitting orcs that will match the style and likewise be able to act out and join forces with you and the guys. I'm currently re-evaluating if I got what it takes and the time ;)

Good day to you!